Over the years i've come to accept that there are things i love to eat that i will not be able to create at home. And that's fine. That's why there are places called restaurants. Now granted i have overcome this a little bit as i get older and more comfortable in the kitchen. I now make a super delicious lasagna. One of the meals i've thought was impossible to create at home is donairs. I just can't envision some meat on a stick cooking away in my kitchen. So imagine my surprise last weekend when erin (my partner in crime) says she's going to make donairs at home. Of course being from out east she wasn't just making any kind of donairs, but Halifax style donairs. If you're from that area, or have visited, or know someone from there, you've no doubt heard that not only are donairs different in Halifax but they are also better. (on a side note the bowling is different out there as well. It's pretty ridiculous actually) The difference is this sauce they put in it. My first Halifax donair wasn't as mind blowing as i had hoped, the sauce changed the taste that i was used to.
Anyways, the donairs that erin made were incredible!! And the sauce was much better than the one i had on Pizza Corner in downtown Halifax. To say my mind was blown would be an understatement. I'm not really sure how she did it, but i can tell you that there was no mystery meat cooking on a stick in our kitchen.
The day after she made them I found myself in the grocery store picking up provisions for the week ahead when my mind started wandering, and thinking about the left over donairs in the fridge at home. I couldn't concentrate, random items were being thrown in my basket because all i could think about was racing home and making myself another donair. Over the course of a couple days i think ate 3 or 4, and trust me... if there had been more i would've ate it.
You are so right, you can't beat a donair from Halifax, by far the best I have ever had. Good stuff. Sounds like Erin did a good job on her donairs.