Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Doritos Post

I'm a sucker when it comes to Dorito brand potato chips. Over the years they've really branched out adding new flavors. The thing is though that almost every flavor gets over-powered by the standard dorito flavor. Don't get me wrong, i do enjoy alot of the flavors of Doritos, but see my other post about the cheeseburger ones.. aka "crunchy vomit". But i sure do love the split-flavor bags they do. Even though each chip flavor blends into the other since there's no actual divider inside the bag. I especially love taking one of the blue cheese chips and putting it in your mouth with a Hot Wings flavored chip. God damn! That's a flavor explosion!!

Quick little side note.... i just found this list online of all the Doritos flavor.
i don't think i've seen even half of these flavors! How in the hell do i find them? I guess i need to go to Japan to try the Peking Duck flavored doritos.

Now onto the reason behind this post; Doritos new "mystery" flavor. What an insane marketing ploy!! Let's flavor some chips, put them in a shiny bag, and just say "we have no fuckin' clue what these taste like." And of course suckers like me will line up instantly to try them out.

Well... here goes, i'm gonna open the bag up.... OK, the smell isn't too revolting or unusual, it's got a bit of the typical doritos stink going on.... now let's put one of these suckers in my mouth.... hmmm.... this isn't really an unusual taste.... it's not bad, pretty basic dorito-esque taste.... try another chip..... lots of red flavor spices covering the chip...... kind of a basic,zesty nacho cheese mixed with standard dorito flavor... maybe a touch of "spice" on some chips..... yeah i approve of these... i'll give them 2 thumbs up.... kind of wish i had bought a bigger bag now.....