Friday, June 18, 2010

Best Drink Ever?

Even though the sun isn't shining that bright here in Vancouver, the reality is that technically it is summer. Everyone knows that you should, and need to, drink water when it's hot out, but water doesn't always quench your thirst. 2 drinks that do quench your thirst would be Lemonade and Iced Tea. But how do you decide which one to grab? Well now you don't have to worry about making that choice because the people at Arizona Iced Tea company have created the Arnold Palmer....Half Lemondade & Half Iced-Tea! Brilliant idea! The only problem is that you can't always find these in Canada (or at least here in Vancouver). Whenever i cross the border to Washington State i always hit a 7-11 to pick some up. I have found them a couple times here, but it's pretty rare.

These beverages are so damn tasty!! Not to sweet and tons of flavor. It's like iced tea with a strong lemon flavor. And the packaging is top notch...

The small plastic bottle has a golf ball shaped top and the usual Arnold Palmer pictures and fun facts...

The LARGE can... is a hell of a bargain, because these costs only 99cents. The smaller cans i've never seen in America, but I have found in Vancouver. 2 for $1! Heck yeah!! Once again, all the Arnold Palmer fun facts all over the can....


  1. I found this drink at a store in Edmonton here, and I have to agree,mmm very tasty :)
